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From Knowing Yourself to Being Yourself


Through the Practice of Relationship Discover the Third Thing 






Essence: Who you’ve always been at your core, only limited by your conditioning and wounding.


Lab: A place to experiment and practice being in relationship with yourself and others.


Essence Lab: The space to explore where you lose connection to your essential self and map ways to return. 


The Practice​: Being present in relationship is an embodiment practice where you move from being aware of your obstacles to working them as a direct path to real-time change.

What you'll experience:


Whether you're on a solo journey or in any form of intimate bond:

  • Learn relationship with yourself and other as a practice rather than a destination.

  • Uncover your Essential Self beneath the parts of you trying to protect your heart.

  • Bring where you're stuck in life and relationships and get real-time help to move through it.

  • Discover your unique map to the life, connection and the intimacy you crave. 

  • Develop tools to stay present with your emotions during a trigger or projection.

  • Turn your patterns and issues into a gateway to more connection.

  • Begin to accept all emotions as a guide to deeper connection and vulnerability. 

​ Essence Lab Offerings

Lone Walk

Individual Facilitation​

  • Explore your inner map - feel and know the terrain of your heart in relationship.

  • Find where your essential self is obscured by parts of you trapped in your past.

  • Embody a new emotional ground and step towards a life of present-centered meaning.


Support Group

​Essence Lab Groups â€‹

  • Take risks to share more of who you are in relationship and learn how to be present with triggers, projections and core patterns. 

  • Practice giving and receiving feedback in a respectful, vulnerable and relational way.

  • Work with parts of you who inhibit your ability to sustain a fulfilling connection.



Please contact us to be on our email list for future groups. We'd love to hear from you!

Holding Hands

​Couple's Facilitation and Intensives​

  • Learn to use the stuck places in your dynamic to access a deeper intimacy.

  • Build a new ground of connection through emotional transparency and create a map of how your relationship works and what it will take to make it thrive. 

  • Get to the root of your patterns and experience a palpable shift in your connection.

Man overlooking water

​Essence Lab Men​

  • Unwind the protections around your heart and grow your capacity for intimacy

  • Move from shame to self respect

  • Feel empowered by facing your shadow rather than hiding from it

  • Experience your Essential Self by tending to the parts of you stuck in the past

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2019© Essence Lab

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